Podcasts in englischer Sprache

Spannende Podcast zum Thema »Emotionsfokussierte Therapie« werden in regelmäßigen Abständen von Dr. Lou veröffentlicht. Dr. Lou ist Psychologin, Therapeutin und Trainerin mit Sitz in Melbourne, Australien.

Go away feelings!

Why on earth would we want to feel emotions that are painful? It makes sense that we often do things to avoid feeling pain but, as Lars Auszra explains, sometimes this can lead to an even more painful experience.

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Changing Emotion with Emotion

How does an engineer change into a world leading ‘emotion-ologist’? Leslie Greenberg tells the story of this evolution and the pathway he took to learning how to Change Emotion with Emotion.

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Go away feelings!

Why on earth would we want to feel emotions that are painful? It makes sense that we often do things to avoid feeling pain but, as Lars Auszra explains, sometimes this can lead to an even more painful experience.

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Changing Emotion with Emotion

How does an engineer change into a world leading ‘emotion-ologist’? Leslie Greenberg tells the story of this evolution and the pathway he took to learning how to Change Emotion with Emotion.

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